2024年上半年,近2.7萬家外資企業落戶中國。中國為何能吸引如此多的外資?為了找到答案,敘利亞小伙Zein Ali來到位于寧波的德國玩具公司Hape,進行了一次有趣的探訪。Hape在中國扎根近30年,堪稱外資企業“進得來、留得住、發展好”的典范。在企業發展的初期,他們獲得了哪些政策支持?對于中國市場的未來,他們又抱有哪些期待?Zein Ali與德國籍員工及公司創始人展開深入對話,分享了這家德企在中國扎根數十年的故事和他們的“心得”。
In the first half of 2024, more than 26,000 foreign-funded enterprises have opened business in China. What makes China such an attractive destination for foreign investment? Host Zein Ali visits a German toy company in Ningbo to find out.
With nearly 30 years of presence in China, this company stands as a model of how foreign enterprises can enter, thrive, and grow in the country. Through interviews with German employees and the company's founder, Zein explores the experiences of foreign companies in China, the supportive policies they benefit from, and how these enterprises view China's business environment with confidence and optimism.